Zoobombs have been ripping up North America for many years, but it is with the release of “The Sweet Passion” that they will be bringing The Greatest Rock n Roll Party on Earth to every club stage they hit. Long Live Zoobombs!
In the world of indie rock, no city has more live clubs, shows and bands than Toronto, Canada. And, outside Japan, no city has embraced one band more passionately. The Zoobombs. October 1998: that was their first Toronto show -- one of the greatest live performances on a club stage I've ever seen. So I brought them back: in 1999, 2000 and 2004, when they headlined not one or two but three shows at Canadian Music Week Festival. Still, it wasn't enough: in 2006, The Zoobombs headlined five shows in eight days in Toronto -- a legendary stand! -- and have since returned three more times. And now, in 2012, they will return. The people in Toronto are waiting. Again. Fifteen years after their first show here. They are that brilliant - a rock unit so unique, powerful and captivating that they defy the time and trends which terminate lesser bands. Now it is time for the rest of the world take notice...
New !!
Yes, I loved it..sounded so cool. African Beat Drive is killer...
The Zoobombs, who might be one of the best live bands on the planet,
have really brought their presence on record to a new level with "The
Sweet Passion", which is a powerful, at times mysterious, always
joyful ode to noise, and the virtues of pure rock & roll
またZOOBOMBSは今年の秋頃を予定にアメリカ・カナダ・オーストラリアでのリリースが決まっており、それに合わせてのツアー(ZOOBOMBS The Sweet Passion World Tour)も決定した。
2.Big Picture
3.We're Gonna Get Down
4.Come With Us
5.Bored Kid
6.Amazing Grace
7.New They, New We, New You, New Me
8.African Beat Drive
9.My Big Friend
1.Highway A Go Go
2.Black Ink Jive
3.Mo' Funky
4.Bomb The Bomb
5.South Central Rock
6.Hot Love
7.Tighten Rap
8.Doo Bee
10.Funky Moving
12.DON's dream
※ZOOBOMBS「The Sweet Passion」初回オリジナル特典!!
■disk union
・ZOOBOMBSライブ映像DVD @basement bar #1
・ZOOBOMBSライブ映像DVD @basement bar #2
・ZOOBOMBS The Sweet Passionポスター
結成15周年記念のベスト盤"Nightfriend Of Zoobombs"から2年、フルアルバム"B・B・B"から5年振りとなるズボンズ入魂の新作。ここ数年は国内はもちろん、アメリカでの活動を大きく広げ、その驚異的かつ予測不可能なライブで各地絶賛されているズボンズだが、本作ではHipHop的制作手法を用い、あくまで音響的・トラック的に仕上げた新たなる提示作となった。しかしそこはズボンズ、音楽的にはあらゆるジャンルを内包しつつも"ROCK"としか言い様のない作品集となっている。常にボーダーを超える場所に立つバンド、ズボンズはまた世界を更新した。